bang bang click

this is what I shoot.

Posts Tagged ‘Salvation Mountain

it brings us together

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I drove out to salvation mountain on christmas expecting to simply see it and leave. six days later I was heavy heartedly saying goodbye to the people that made me never want to leave, people who reminded me how beautiful this life is and how much there is to be thankful for.

you gave me music, stories, meals, new outlooks and so much joy, I am forever grateful to have met you all.

Written by bang bang click

January 1, 2012 at 11:26 am

slab city people

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I don’t think I have ever wandered into a more fascinating place. thank you to all the people who so kindly welcomed me and were so generous to me throughout my stay.

salvation mountain

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Written by bang bang click

December 31, 2011 at 9:48 am

en route

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for christmas I decided to pack up my car/backpack and head out for a little adventure. my plan was to go to slab city and see salvation mountain on christmas day and then camp in joshua tree but 6 days later I still found myself in slab city. here are some photos from the car ride there. many more to come soon.

Written by bang bang click

December 31, 2011 at 8:16 am